Haryana and Punjab issue draft regulations for deviation charges

The Haryana Electricity Regulatory Commission and the Punjab State Electricity Regulatory Commission have released their respective draft regulations for the forecasting, scheduling and deviation settlement of solar and wind power generation. According to these regulations, deviation charges will be imposed on developers and procurers for under-, and overinjection of power into the grid. All grid-connected wind and solar power generators with 1 MW of generation capacity in Haryana and 5 MW of capacity in Punjab will fall under the purview of the regulations. The new guidelines aim to facilitate the grid integration of renewable energy in the two states by maintaining the stability and security of the grid. Both the regulations will come into force six months after the date of publication in the states’ official gazettes. With this, Haryana and Punjab are in the same league as Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat and Tamil Nadu to issue regulations with regard to forecasting, scheduling, and deviation settlement of solar and wind generation.