Low-carbon hydrogen still remains expensive: Report

This report “Reducing low-carbon hydrogen investment and operating costs” by Capgemini, EIT InnoEnergy aims to uncover the blockages standing in the way of low-carbon hydrogen cost reduction and mass adoption. There are several reasons for high cost: Difficulties in obtaining supplies of competitive low-carbon electricity, rising interest rates, and difficulties in finding partners – particularly EPC partners.

Key findings:

  1. Low-carbon hydrogen remains too expensive and uncompetitive compared with hydrogen produced from other sources 
  2. Major players are encountering strong difficulties in developing low-carbon hydrogen projects at a competitive price
  3. Respondents stressed that regulatory and legislative environments are essential in making hydrogen more competitive in the years ahead
  4. In addition to external levers, there are several internal levers that can reduce low-carbon hydrogen costs
  5. Digital is not yet seen as a key enabler in reducing hydrogen cost and carrying out projects at scale, but it has great potential
  6. Innovation is an underrated lever that needs to be activated to deliver game-changing impacts

Access the complete report here