SECI invites applications for incentives under second phase of solar PLI scheme

The Solar Energy Corporation of India Limited (SECI) has invited applications for incentives from solar manufacturers ready to establish gigawatt-scale manufacturing facilities for high-efficiency solar modules in India under the second phase of the Production Linked Incentive (PLI) scheme.

Manufacturers who establish any solar photovoltaic (PV) technology-based production facilities will be eligible to apply for the incentives, if they commit to developing facilities that manufacture at least solar cells and modules and adhere to minimum manufacturing capacity requirements and module performance standards.

They can bid in any of the three integration categories: poly-to-module, ingot-wafers-to-module, cells and modules. Each category’s total funding allocation is Rs 120 billion, Rs 45 billion, and Rs 30 billion, respectively. To establish a manufacturing facility with a minimum 1 GW capacity for all individual stages (included in its proposal), each manufacturer must submit a single bid. 

Recently in October 2022, the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy notified the extension of phase-II of grid-connected rooftop solar programme. The programme has been extended till March 31, 2026. It does not have any additional financial implication and the programme is within the originally approved total outlay worth Rs 118.14 billion for both Component A and Component B of the programme.