RW Roundtable on EV Charging Networks and Interoperability


There is a need for standardisation to ensure a seamless experience for EV drivers and to allow various CPOs to work together. Interoperability helps make this possible through roaming where EV users can use a single application or platform to access charging stations of different CPOs. While it ensures convenience for EV users, it improves business viability for CPOs through increased demand.

Against this backdrop, Renewable Watch organised a webinar to provide an understanding of the opportunities and challenges in the EV charging operability and roaming space.

The speakers included:

  • Sumit Ahuja, Founder and Director, Electreefi
  • Dinesh Chandra, Chief Technology Officer, Elocity
  • Sahana L, Junior Energy Advisor, NDC TIA – India Component, GIZ
  • Avinash Sharma, CEO, ElectricPe